0.3.3 - Final beta release 1.0.0 - Initial release 1.0.2 - Fixed bug causing live plotting to not work on serial port when x col is set to 0 - Spaces can now be used in header column fields, when quotes are used. Eg. "Column 1" "Column 2" 1.0.3 - Added Add-In menu 1.0.4 - Fixed bug which sometimes caused commands to be issued at the wrong place within the Command Window, corrupting the cmd history. - Changed to a more logical ordering of the options in File Setup. - Added "Reset Log File" option to drop-down menu in Device Interface 1.0.5 - Device Interface panel now supports light-weight Telnet protocol (TCP Connection) for proper handling of Telnet specific control handshaking - Increased precision for command-line function outputs - Added script commands executions to command history - Scripts can now be executed without requiring the .ezs extension to be explicity typed example: typing 'myscript' will resolve to 'myscript.ezs' - Added command-line calculator (eg. 3+5 or 3pi-2.5 or sin(2*pi+4)) 1.0.6 - Changed pntrad default to 5 - Added -regex command-line option - EZScripts can now be passed in as the first argument to Windows command-line executions 1.0.7 - Fixed bug causing sink to not work 1.0.8 - Fixed efficiency problem in the Data Selection tool which cause very long operation time for large data sets - Added marker removal capability to the "remove" command - Fixed bug causing Marker mean/median/max solutions to not work when All Curves was chosen - Vertical markers now prompt for curve selection on mean/median solutions instead of just using the first curve's x-values 1.0.9 - New and improved Save Data panel added - Added rms search on horizontal data markers - Added min search on all data markers - Bug fix: when importing date/time data, using Y scaling tab caused crash - Changed MJD->ASCII Time x-axis display to omit time (only show dates) if times of grid lines are all UTC midnight - Improved handling of ill-conditioned polynomial fitting 1.1.0 - Fixed bug in Save Data dialog where Save button stays disabled upon loading the panel - Fixed bug where adev Abort toolbar button would not always display itself at the start of Allan Deviation calculations. - Added "Many Tau" option to Allan Deviation configuration dialog - Now, when using the eraser while zoomed-in, the plotter will not zoom back out to full-scale - After clicking a curve in the Curve Identifier panel, the selected curve will de-select itself automatically, once the curve has completed its highlighting animation - Now when running scripts, commands which were called from within the scripts are not added to the command history. Only the call to the script itself is added to the history. - EZL now saves the command history to a file when the program is closed; and repopulates the command history when the program is run. - Add file-history list to File menu for the EZScript Editor - Bug fix: when more than two vert or horiz markers were present, with at least one delta marker, and an attempt was made to remove a marker, there existed a chance that the program would freeze - Added dmarker command allowing you to add delta-markers from the command-line or EZScripts - You can now change the colors and weights of markers by right-clicking on them and chosing the options from the drop-down menu - Users should now see approx. 30% speed increase for expressions (expr command) - Info->About now displays "registered" with valid EZL licenses 1.1.1 - Users should now see a substantial speed increase for expressions (expr command) of large data sets (> ~10000 data points) - Fixed bug in wget interface where points were not properly begin assigned x-axis values for cases when the x-axis column was set to 0 1.1.2 - Bug fix: norm command was not working with arguments (ie. it was only working when the command was issued with no arguments, and used all defaults) - Added "history" command. Used to display or clear the command history. Type "help history" for details. - Added cmd:exit to live plotter remote control commands to close (exit) EZL - Fixed bug where the program would sometimes freeze when changing the scale to log. This would occur only when the data contained one or more zeros (i.e. log10(0) = inf) 1.1.3 - Minor bug fix: fixed the misalignment of the y-axis tick labels when viewing plots in Date/Time format - Added grid command to toggle on/off grid lines - Added title to Default Settings page - Added subscript and superscript to label annotations - Minor bug fix: new empty plots would not honor the default title font size as specified in System->Default Settings. The title font size would only use the specified size after a plot was generated. This has been fixed. 1.1.4 - Filter coefficients can now be exported to .m files - License key activation now displays results of file generation: path and success status 1.2.0 - New advanced labeling - Added verbose mode option to default settings page - Bug fix: MJD-to-UTC conversions for plot time axis were incorrect during daylight-savings times. This has been fixed. - Added quickstart guide on startup. This guide may be disabled by unchecking the "Show on startup" box. It may also be enabled/disabled in the settings panel. 1.2.1 - Fixed bug causing crash when an arithmetic operation is attempted on an invalid curve Eg: crash would occur for "sub min(y) C1" when C1 does not actually exist. - Fixed bug which potentially could cause infinite loop when using nested EZScripts I.e. when one EZScript calls another - Fixed bug causing improper parsing of ezl command options (bug since v1.1.0) - Fixed bug causing Log Y-Scale to not be present in the Grid Adjustments toolset (since v1.1.3) - Vertical and horizontal markers will now display their plot positions (by default). This feature can be turned on/off by right-clicking a plot marker and clicking "Show Position" 1.2.2 - Improved Ls command, now supports -l for long format display and path and pattern matching - Added EULA - Added Done/Cancel buttons to label edit windows 1.3.0 - Bug fix: program would crash if marker table overlapped footnote but not legend - Bug fix: following a Ctrl-C copy of text within the command window, data copied to the clipboard from outside of EZL would be ignored for pastes to EZL. This has been fixed. - Marker text labels can now be grabbed (by holding down the left mouse button) and relocated (dragged) - Verical marker labels are now protected against being pushed off the right side of the page - Improvements have been made to the -regex plotting option. Now when plotting, it is easy to exclude lines from your data files when the lines contain certain words or phrases, or any unwanted text. Example: ezl -f my_file.dat -regex ^((?!comment).)*$ will ignore all lines containing the word "comment" Example: ezl -f my_file.dat" -regex ^((?![a-zA-Z]).)*$ will ignore all lines containing any characters a through z, or A through Z - Improvements made to arrow interface: Toolsets->Annotations->Add Arrow will now always add a new arrow instead of just the initial one. The Arrow Table is now not shown by default. Right-click any arrow on the plotter to customize the arrow (displays the arrow table). - Bug fix: when moving/copying curves from one plot to another (by right-clicking on a plot), the move/copy dialog box would sometimes incorrectly show the available tabs. Fixed. 1.3.1 - The EZScript editor will now reuse the current tab when an existing script is opened, when the script within the current tab is empty. - Largely improved functionality of the Regular-Expressions testing tool - Redesigned Arithmetic Command Builder (Basic Functions Toolset -> +-/* ) 1.3.2 - Updated filter design tool to properly indicate 6dB freq. cutoffs when designing FIR - Added history depth default option - Bug fix: EZL configuration data (license registration, command history, etc) failed to write to read-only Program Files directory. Data will now be written to ProgramData special folder when relative app path is read-only. - Added rotl (rotate-left) and rotr (rotate-right) commands - Bug fix: Fixed issue where fft plots would not display the results when 0-valued power points were returned from the fft operation. 1.4.0 - Bug fix (major): delta-markers have not been working since 1.0.9. Their tags would show correct difference values when first placed, but would not dynamically adjust to changes in marker positions. Why didn't you guys tell me!! This issue has been fixed. - On move/copy curve, title, x-axis label, and y-axis label are now alos copied when the destination plotter is newly created. - Wget (network plotting) now works for file:urls. - In plot label designer, keyboard shortcuts for accept and cancel changed to Ctrl+Return and Esc, respectively. - "Toolboxes" are now called "Toolsets" to prevent confusion with Matlab(TM) toolboxes of the same name. - Fixed broken toolset buttons: title, x-axis, y-axis, footnote - Bug fix (minor): fixed issue where filenames beginning with 'n' would cause a linebreak in the plot title. This was due to the fact that "\n" is used to create linebreaks in EZL labels. - Added "detrend" option to poly command. 1.4.1 - Bug fix (major): A bug found its way in, in 1.4.0, causing "-x 0" or -t/-d/-dt options to fail - Bug fix (minor): sub-second timestamps were begin truncated on ASCII time parsing. Thanks to Andrew Wright for the bug submission. - Bug fix (minor): WGet panel port number (with Show Transfer Details enabled) was not staying fixed during address changes. This has been fixed and will now only change to a default value when the protocol changes. Thanks to Andrew Wright for the bug submission. 2.0.0 - New 64-bit build! Altogether faster and virtually unlimited data plot sizes. Capable of computing FFT on 100+ million points. 2.0.1 - Fixed issue where date/time axis grid-labels were sometimes clipped off at the edges 2.0.2 - Legend items can now be left-clicked for text changes 2.1.0 - License check now occurs in this order: executable path, %programdata%\EZL - Redesigned context menu (right-click menu) for legend and marker table - Bug fix (minor): fixed bug preventing new legend items from being created when new curve(s) are produced via poly functions - Added "legend" command which can be used to set the legend entries' text. The legend can now be updated through the command window or in EZScripts, in addition to the previous method (clicking on legend items with the mouse). - Added "View Image" option to menu when right-clicking on an image file in the Directory Browser. Double-clicking on an image in the Directory Browser has the same effect. Images are opened using the default image viewer set in Windows. - In EZScript editor, multiple lines can now be simultaneously commented/uncommented. - Resizing EZL now results in better sizing of the dock windows - Fixed the F1 (toggle full-screen) and F2 (color cycling) functions so that they now work at all times. You no longer need to first click the mouse within the Plotter or Command Window. - Changed the "Dock" software menu name to "View" - Removed the "Line Up" item from the View menu (previously the Dock menu). This never did anything anyway. - The Status bar can now be toggled on/off (via the View menu). This is useful when EZL is run in compact-mode from the Windows command prompt. Default is "off" in this mode. Eg: c:\ezl.exe -compact - General speed improvement. 2.1.1 - When saving data, EZL no longer begins the output file with a blank line when the header info is empty - Changed -dock argument to -legendpos[ition] to match ezscripting command syntax - Added barfloor command 2.2.0 - Bug fix (minor): in legend where special foward-slash characters were not rendering unless legend text was manually clicked on for text assignment - Bug fix (minor): where divide-by-0 operations in an "expr" command would cause undefined behavior. - Added convolution to the Signal Processing toolset - Added partial parsing of VT100 escape codes in real-time plotting (Device Interface) - Device Interface panel now has a checkbox to enable line timestamping. The timestamp can now be used as a column (typically x-axis) for the live plotter. - Added convolution function to Signal Processing toolset - Bug fix (minor): in logx/y scales where invalid data would be erroneously displayed - Bug fix (minor): in logx/y scales where snap-to mouse-tracking would not properly find correct data position 2.3.1 - Corrected column-widths in the preview table of the File Setup window - Added additional date/time selections within the date/time tabs dropdown boxes - Bug fix (major): in the Device Interface preventing proper login to telnet servers - Bug fix (major): causing loss of plot labels when moving to an unnamed tab - Bug fix (major): causing marker table and/or legend to be accidentally moved or hidden on mouse drags - Bug fix (major): causing crash if unused labels where deleted from the labeler gui - Bug fix (major): causing crash when browsing to a path containing files/directories which are inaccessible due to user permissions - X-axis will now automatically change to datetime mode when input file is specified with datetime flags - Bug fix (major): causing Allan Deviations plots to sometimes (rarely) not be generated, when plotting across multiple curves. - Bug fix (minor): Directory Browser listings now show correct sizes for 64-bit large-files - Bug fix (minor): Fixed bug where a single date/time parsing error would generate multiple errors of the same file - Improved speed in file parsing while verbose mode is enabled. - Bug fix (major): Image filename creation was not properly using the date/time specifiers provided in the default settings page. This has been fixed. - Bug fix (minor): When curves were moved/copied to other quadrants, the Active Plotter check mark would often not move properly to the destination. This has been fixed. - Now, when logx/logy plots are moved/copied, the destination plot will automatically change to logx/log, if the destination is empty before the move/copy operation. Otherwise, it will remain in whichever states it previously held. - Bug fix (minor): When performing large operations (ex. FFT on millions of data points), the "Please Wait" message would not properly appear. This has been fixed. - Added bar command to enable/disable bar plot style via the Command Window (or EZScripts) - Improved barfloor command by adding "auto". The command will now echo its current value if no params are given - Improved poly functions by iteration - Added "Hide all panels"/"Restore panels" to View menu - Bug fix (minor): Fixed issue where log x/y scales could sometimes be too large. - Now, when default data viewer is empty, EZL will open the file using Window's default viewer. For instance, selecting View/Edit from the DirBrowser on an Excel file, will open with Excel. - Added pntrad to default options 2.3.2 - Fixed bug in copy/move function where multiple curves of default (current) tab were not being moved properly. - Fixed bug where ezs scripts were not being called when issued from terminal (command prompt) - Clicking on a curve in the Curve ID panel no longer flashes point dots when the number of points is > 1 mil. 2.3.3 - Fixed bug in 10^y where last point was compute as log10(y) instead of 10^y! - Fixed bug causing Integrate function (Basic Function toolset) to crash when curve contains 2 or less points. - Added cumulative sum function to Basic Function toolset and to command set (new command "csum") 2.3.4 - Fixed bug in Info->Register License box which was preventing licenses from being properly accepted. - Fixed bug causing legend errors when creating new curves from live plotter data - Copying live plots will now leave the live plot stream in its current tab, and only the existing live data will be copied to the destination. Moving live plots still moves the actual stream to the requested destination. 2.3.5 - Discovered slow process in data iteration (since 2.3.4) causing inefficiencies in several data processing functions. 2.3.6 - Added Unix -> MJD operation to allow for MJD -> Date/Time gridlines - Fixed bug preventing data pipes from working with the -linked flag 2.4.0 - Fixed bug where scripts would sometimes fail if both subscripts and expr commands were included - Fixed bug causing Windows scaling to cause image captures to not align properly - Fixed bug where images would fail to save if default path was not already created - Fixed bug causing x-axis to show out-of-range if time (-t) column is used w/o date (-d) - New Feature: Items in the Curve Identifier panel can now be right clicked to customize curves. - New Feature: Added exec command. This command allows execution of programs external to ezl - New Feature: Added minview() & maxview() command. - New Feature: Added minview() & maxview() command. 2.4.1 - Fixed bug causing crashes on laptops when scrolling with mouse pads - Files can now be dragged in from network paths - Improved precision of scrolling w/ left & right keys - New Feature: Added MTIE statistic to Allan Deviations tool - New Feature: New mouse wheel functionality... Wheel - Shifts plot right/left Alt + Wheel - Shifts plot up/down Ctrl + Wheel - Zooms in/out at current mouse location - Fixed bug causing first and last points of a differentiation to be bad on ill-conditioned data - Added Allan Deviations options in Defaults panel - Added option to use short filenames for default title and legend 2.4.2 - Fixed bug causing crash when invalid regex was used in the in the path supplied to "ezl -f" - Fixed bug where .json was not appended automatically to Device Interface config save files - New Feature: Added "key" column to Device Interface utility 2.4.3 - Bug fix (minor): Fixed bug causing ampersands to not show properly in y-axis labels - Bug fix (minor): ezl no longer crashes when using 3-line y-axis labels - Bug fix (minor): Label editor no longer deletes text on the right side of the cursor when breaking a line into two lines - Added -pnts back to command line so that live data collections can be run with data points enabled - Added -linew alias to the existing -linewidth command line option, to conform with the scripting cmd - Added linewidth to defaults page - Added ps and picoseconds scaling for x/y-axis labels - Added merge command to combine two or more curves - New feature: Horizontal & vertical markers can now have custom texts assigned to them. Right-click on a marker to set its text. - Bug fix (major): Fixed crash which would sometimes occur if multiple labels were added to the plot and the plot was then cleared. - Bug fix (minor): Fixed issue where incorrect file extensions were appended to background image entries in the Defaults Panel. - New Feature: Updated Defaults Panel to include buttons for locating existing directories for default settings where this makes sense (eg. selecting the default workspace path). - Large speed increase when plotting network files. - Improved magnitude accuracy of modeled noise 2.5.0 - Bug fix (major): Fixed bug causing expressions to fail to work properly when operating on curves with double- digit identifiers (example: c10, c25, etc) - Bug fix (minor): Fixed minor bug in the Arithmetic Equation panel causing the constructed equation to sometimes not update properly. - Improved functionality of WGet panel when following live files. - Bug fix (major): Fixed bug causing crash when a file is deleted externally from the directory currently set in the Directory Browser. - Bug fix (major): Fixed licensing issue 2.6.0 - New Feature: Added new "sleep" command. - Recent files list in File menu of the script editor is now updated when new scripts are saved, instead of only when scripts are loaded. - Bug fix (minor): Fixed bug causing curves to be inadvertently replaced when appending new curves to a plot after first removing old (existing) curves. For example, if two curves were plotted (c1 and c2) and c1 was removed, then two new curves were appended to the plot, the two new curves would take the spots of c1 and c2. In this case, taking the c1 spot is correct (since it was previous freed when c1 was removed), but replacing curve c2 was not intended. This has been fixed. - Bug fix (major): Fixed bug causing an application crash when browsing to a directory containing a cloud drive. - Changed default font sizes for the title, x-axis, and y-axis texts. 2.7.0 - Added option to recursively apply outlier rejection. Option available when choosing n-sigma. - Bug fix (minor): Fixed bug causing relative paths to not work properly when running ezl from a command line. - Bug fix (minor): Fixed bug where "polyfit model" was displaying the wrong value for the y-intercept term. - Buf fix (major): Fixed bug causing crash when accessing directories which include file or directory names with non-standard ASCII characters. - When pressing tab to autocomplete, a slash is now appended to the end of directories. 2.7.1 - Bug fix (minor): Fixed bug causing large system font sizes to not scale various windows properly. - New Feature: Added System Font and System Font Size to the defaults panel for adjusting the general style.